Tales of nonsense and items of little interest, sometimes true, always poorly thought through. Less sophisticated than most newspapers and magazines.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring Break - YAY!!!

I paid 50 fuckin' dollars for a parking pass for college for the semester. Every fuckin' week I get there at least 45 minutes before class. Every fuckin' week I end up parking illegally because the fuckers sold twice the number of parking passes that they have parking spaces. Last night I left extra early to see if I could get a real space, thus avoiding the possibility of a ticket.
I exited the freeway, race down the hill at high speed and screech around the corner to see.... a vast and sparsely populated parking lot......fuck!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What a moron.... I had checked my diary just a day or two ago to see when spring break actually was and had made a mental note that it was next week, the week of the 16th. I am still all messed up by the early switch to daylight savings time and am actually operating a full week behind the rest of the country. So it was a wasted trip although not quite as wasted as I was after stopping by Trader Joes on my way home.....It is spring break after all.


Troika said...

It's a fucking motorway and the fucking Easter holiday and a fucking car park.

Don't you fucking dare forget where you're from.

D. C. Warmington said...

Mr W

If you think you've got problems, I am operating a whole 35 years behind the rest of the world.

Old Knudsen said...

Next week for you is a real bastard, I'd stay in bed.

Old Knudsen said...

Oh and Trader Joes? just say "the off license" that troika cunt has a fucking point.

Momentary Madness said...

Jesus Eddie, take it easy; you're stressed out ; you'll have a heart valve blow out, or something like that, and you can't stop, change and roll on after that.
Y:-) Paddy

ellie said...

I had a spring break once, it came through the mattress and ripped my leg open.

The Mistress said...

You need a blow job from a midget to calm your nerves son.

Eddie Waring said...

Troika - I am disgusted with myself. Thank you for bringing me to my senses.

DCW - Don't trust a man named Freddie Laker.

Knudsen - Hopefully my cold will have gone by then. Trader Joes is more than an off license. More like an upmarket Spar.

Paddy - You have a point mate. I'm heading for a breakdown at this rate.

Ellie - Nice one! :)I use duct tape on mine.

MJ - In the absence of a midget, are there any takers?

fofufou said...

Too much swearing for my liking. Is it a place where all the 16 year olds drive BMWs and get hummers in the parking lot? I've seen American telly. Fucking bunch of polluting twats.

FirstNations said...

ignore troika. we the borg are pleased you have assimilated.

resistance is futile.

savannah said...

enjoy your break..sounds as if you fucking NEED it, sugar

Gorilla Bananas said...

You need to hire a monkey to hang around the car park and keep you informed on the situation. Have you ever thought how much easier your life would be with servants?

Bock the Robber said...

That really fucks me up as well, when the clock goes forward a week.

D. C. Warmington said...

Mr Bananas

When you say "hang" around the car park, I take it you're talking literally.

Mr Waring

Are there enough trees, lampposts, etc., in the vicinity to give Mr Bananas's idea legs? He could be on to a winner.

Old Knudsen said...

I had a fag the other day, and thats all I'm saying.

Eddie Waring said...

Milky - The Armenians don't seem to care much for BMW's. They appear to prefer Mercedes or Lexus. As for 16 year olds getting hummers in parking lots, that would be down at the High School, which they leave at 18 with the equivalent of 1/2 an O level.

FN - Thank you. I am working hard on the shite fashion sense and trying to forget all I know about geography.

Savannah - Thanks love. I needed some sleep. Got a bit, feel better now.

GB - I remember seeing something somewhere about a boot monkey. You keep him in your boot to mind your car while you are in ASDA. Do you have any associates who might be interested in earning a few bob?

Bock - I think the answer is to put yours back a week the week before everybody elses goes forward, or would it be forward a week? Now you have me totally fuckin' confused.

DCW - All trees and shrubbery have been removed. There was concern amongst local politicians that they may be sabotaging the nation effort to fuck up the environment.

Knudsen - A Turkish one no doubt. I know you have an exotic taste when it comes to fags.

The Mistress said...
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