Tales of nonsense and items of little interest, sometimes true, always poorly thought through. Less sophisticated than most newspapers and magazines.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Fashion Victims

Fashion is a funny thing. What seems super cool and trendy to one person or group is fuckin' maddening to another. I don't really have a problem with most of today's fashions. I'm quite tolerant and respectful of people's right to dress how the hell they want to as I know what it is like to be laughed at in public, pointed at by small children as they tug at their mothers sleeve and say things like "Mummy, that man scares me."

I don't think that my personal choice of attire is particularly offensive. Day-glo orange lycra cycling shorts go just fine with a chiffon shirt and sheepskin waistcoat, knee length argyle socks and rubber wellies. It's a statement that I am making that says "I am my own man so fuck off or I will hurt you." It seems to work as most people cross the street to avoid me and rarely make eye contact.

One of today's fashions that mystifies me is the saggy pants worn around the thighs exposing the boxer shorts underneath. Mostly worn by, lets call them African Americans, and people who wish they were African Americans, talk like they are African Americans but are definitely too pale to be African Americans, the fashion is to say the least, irritating. Just like me, they would probably argue that they are just making a statement and I would agree. I hear it loud and clear and it is telling me that they are twats.

I have questions. Burning questions that I need answers to and would be happy to ask one of the subscribers to said fashion if they would not keep crossing the street to avoid me:

  1. How do you keep the pants half way down your thighs without them constantly falling down? I tried to recreate the experience in my bedroom while the wife was out yesterday but they wouldn't stay there. Are you using braces or is that considered cheating and if so doesn't that make you unfashionable?
  2. Given that you can mysteriously make your pants stay put half way down your thighs, how do you manage to walk more than 3 steps without falling over. It is like running a three legged race with a one legged man as your partner, impossible.
  3. I say you are a twat. What are you going to do about it, twat?

"Oi......Pull yer pants up you twat!"

In Jamaica, there is a movement afoot to outlaw the wearing of saggy pants in public. Similar attempts in the Worlds 2nd greatest country, the USA, fell flat last year when officials in Dallas proposed a $50 on the spot fine for wearers of low riding pants. The American people were once again defeated by their own constitution amid concerns about civil rights and personal freedom.
Luckily, in Jamaica, these things are less of a concern and the movement is gathering steam.

Public opinion seems to be swayed against saggy pants, many people believe it to be a sign of homosexuality and they may have a point. 43 year old street vendor Robert Stuart told The Jamaica Observer "That is a sodomite principle, because your pants supposed to be up at your waist."

Shaneek Sewell, a 19 year old student doesn't find it attractive and said "I think the persons who do these things are mostly like the uneducated people in society."

"It's not appropriate, it doesn't look right, it's not gentleman-like. It's definitely unacceptable for most of the population," said Deanroy Edwards, a 23 year old technician.

Fining people may be a little extreme and difficult to enforce, especially when it comes to collecting the fines as most of these fuckers do not appear to have jobs and any spare cash they do have seems to be spent on clothing that is too big for them (a pet peeve of mine.) I would like to suggest Brazilian style government sponsored death squads cruising the streets in a Ford Transit van with blacked out windows and loaded to the gills with M-16 wielding federal agents. This would create jobs while at the same time alleviating some of the pressure on the welfare system. Although frowned upon by liberals and do-gooders, this is actually the answer to many of today's social ills and I think that pretty soon, these namby pamby, limp handshaking types would be benefiting from the very thing they seek to prevent. Besides, surely it would only take the discovery of a handful of saggy pant clad corpses before the rest of them got the message and pulled their fuckin pants up. I also contend that if you were to ask enough of them you would definitely find more than a handful who would claim to be willing to die for their right to wear their pants any way they choose so all you would have to do is find them and everyone would be happy. Well, mostly everyone. I'd be happy, that is all that matters.


Old Knudsen said...

Ever see one of these kewl duds running for a bus? they lope like a tard doing the relay in the special olympics and when they miss it they act like it was no big deal and they didn't want to catch it anyway.

fofufou said...

Over here it's the emo fuckers (goth-lite) that wear their trousers in exactly the same style. It appears to be the fashion to wear boxers from the '70's underneath (though they aren't actually, are they?) them. Twats.

Fat Sparrow said...

"It seems to work as most people cross the street to avoid me and rarely make eye contact."

You fucking liar. It's LA, no one even noticed you.

"but are definitely too pale to be African Americans"

I believe the term you're mincing around is "wigger."

"How do you keep the pants half way down your thighs without them constantly falling down?"

The belts are cinched just tight enough to keep the pants on while standing. While walking, they grab their boy-bits, and this holds up the pants until they start moving again. Like Old Knudsen said, it is funny to see one of them run for a bus. One time, the Fledgling Sparrow and I were already on a bus, pulling out from the stop, and one of those young bucks tried running for it. He didn't make it, and his pants almost didn't, either. To encourage him, I stuck my head out the window and yelled "Run, Forrest, run!" which he didn't get at all but I found highly amusing. Being a teenager, the Fledgling Sparrow tried to pretend she didn't know me.

"Besides, surely it would only take the discovery of a handful of saggy pant clad corpses before the rest of them got the message and pulled their fuckin pants up."

Excellent idea; can I join your posse? I'm not a bad shot with an old-fashioned slide-bolt rifle, and I can do a bow-and-arrow too. I've not done either of them from a car (my previous training is on horses, and no, not that way, you sick fuck) but I'm sure I can pick it up fairly quickly.

You know, it's dawned on me that if I just keep putting up long comments on your blog, I won't have to put up posts on my own....

Gorilla Bananas said...

Pull them up or let them drop would be my advice. What do they look like from the front? They might be doing it to stimulate their dicks.

Eddie Waring said...

Knudsen - You would think it hamper their efforts to escape from the police wouldn't you?

Milky - They can't be from the 70's, you are absolutely right. The most wear I get from a pair of boxers is a good 6 months before they become shredded in the gusset area. Anyone who has seen the widely circulated picture of my arse knows that I have a rather hairy bum. This causes severe entanglement issues with a shredded gusset and I can only imagine the mess such an old pair of boxers would leave me in.

Sparrow - "You fucking liar. It's LA, no one even noticed you."
No one except the passing Sheriff's Deputy with nothing better to do. He accused me of being a homo but let me go when he discovered that I was just British.

GB - An erection could be what is keeping them up. I hadn't considered that. Is this fashion popular in the Congo?

Anonymous said...

I like them like that myself, especially the girls.. oh am I just a pervert?

Manuel said...

"I would like to suggest Brazilian style government sponsored death squads cruising the streets in a Ford Transit van with blacked out windows and loaded to the gills with M-16 wielding federal agents."

Tough but fair. Where can I join or vote for your party. Your ideas inspire me. Where is my chainsaw.....

Captain Smack said...

It started out as fashion, now it seems to be a contest to see who can get their pants the lowest without them actually falling off. Each year they get lower and lower, and I suppose eventually guys will be walking around in their underwear, dragging their pants behind them, barely attached to one foot.

By the way, I noticed something in your post that made me wonder about something. You referred to "African Americans", which is what some white people say here in America when referring to black people. But you're in Britain, right? You don't refer to British black people as African Americans, do you? That wouldn't make sense. Do you refer to them as African Brits? Or what? Just wondering.

Captain Smack said...

Oh, crap. My bad. That's right, your in Cali, not the UK. Nevermind then.

But I'm still curious if there is a comparable PC term that's used in the UK...

Eddie Waring said...

Mutley - Perverted is putting it mildly. You are a fiend.

Manuel - On election day, simply cross out the name of your least favourite politician from the ballot and write in my name instead. I do not claim to represent any one party or cause, all I will say is that it will be a bad day for Wales if I am ever elected.

Captain - Yes, I am currently on a not so secret mission in Los Angeles, the details of which would not make much sense even if I were to divulge them.
Back in Blighty, they are know by a variety of names, the least offensive of which might be Afro-Caribbean although my Grandad always used to call them Sambos. He was a policeman though so he could get away with it.

fofufou said...

Eastenders (classic television indeed) was on last night. The annoying one who had gone into labour on the tube told some 'gangsta' to pull his trousers up. All whilst giving birth. I imagine this is because the writers were trying to be funny. They failed.

Eddie Waring said...

Milky - Yes. Eastenders is not exactly my idea of a "larf". What is Dirty Den up to these days? And that Frank Butcher. What a jack-the-lad he is eh?

fofufou said...

I have just stumbled across this question. Dirty Den is dead again. Frank Butcher - a hero of mine - has left. The soap appears to be on its last legs. I doubt it will be axed though.

The Mistress said...

Oh Eddie I'm just catching up on what I've missed here since I've been away and it's time someone took on this issue. Well done.

Recently a twat on public transit was trying to look cool when his baggy pants fell down around his knees. Bonus twatage.