Comic Relief
The lad over at troubled diva has been working his bollocks off for the past few days putting together a collection of humourous blog posts by Brit bloggers to sell for Comic Relief.

You can buy the book for only £8.96 of which £3.63 will go to Comic Relief. You can buy your copy at
I didn't make it in, neither did the fuckin' hi-larious Old Knudsen but congratulations to the very funny Foot Eater, the very saucy EmmaK and everybody else who made it in. Hopefully the book will make tons of cash for Red Nose Day.
Troubled Diva's gonna make a mint
He's not making any money you herbert. The £3.63 is what's left after all the costs and expenses....hopefully.
I know that you muppet.
Fuckin hell.
You never know. Besides, I have a cold.
You can't get the book yet. None of the delivery options are available. Then again, if they accepted me instead of a hundred others, the editor must have had his head up his arse.
It was a hell of a challenge in 7 days, well done to Mr Eater, hes one of the funny, clever people I admire so therefore will kill quickly.
I think he would of sold more copies if myself and Mr Waring were in it, I'm just thinking of the children.
I only pimped it 'cause I didn't want to look like a bad loser.
I couldn't make the book code work for the picture but I got a red nose button for the sidebar instead and gace it a wee blurb.
*Sigh* Rejection is no fun. But never mind all that! It's St. Patrick's Day and I'm going to drink a lot tonight mostly with lovely people. Huzzah!
You doing anything, Eddie? Isn't there a parade in LA or something?
Fuck I dunno. There's probably a parade going on somewhere. West Hollywood maybe? They enjoy a good parade in WeHo. I worked last night and I'm working tonight so apart from that, no. I was just going to write a post on rejection...
I am in it of course - under an assumed name!
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